Hi, everyone! 🎃 As my contribution to the Yesterweb Halloween 2022 Event, I have drawn-up some festive art and coloring pages to share with you! There are 6 different pages, which you can print out and color with whatever materials you see fit. You can also color digitally if you want, like me. Whatever you do, please have a good time!
When you're finished with your art, take a picture and send it to me via teratoaster@gmail.com
I'd love to see what you make! I'll add all the new artworks I recieve to the bottom of this page. Have a horrible and lovely Halloween, from me and the girls!
-Teratoaster 🦇 💝
To save the pages, simply hover over the one you want, right click + select "save image as". You can also right click and select "open image in new tab" if other elements on the page are distracting you.